Effective Leadership The Art of Inquiry Using Socratic Questioning

Effective Leadership

by Carol Putnam, PhD Effective Leadership The Art of Inquiry Using Socratic Questioning Decades ago, as an undergraduate student, flipping through the course catalog pages (yes, they were printed booklets back then), I considered taking a philosophy course. However, when I sat in the first two classes of an introductory course, I decided that area…

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How Effectively Do You Listen?

How Effectively Do You Listen

  By Carol Putnam, PhD   I’ve taught listening skills and coached business owners and executives to improve their listening habits for roughly four decades. As an introvert, I spend more time listening than talking. It is a habit. And I find there is always more to learn about how humans effectively engage (or don’t)…

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Are you Adding Fuel or Friction to your Business?

Fuel pump with two hands on it.

  by Carol Putnam, PhD What do you do if you aren’t getting the results you want in your business? Do you assume your marketing efforts aren’t hitting the mark and decide to increase the investment? Do you give your sales team a pep talk and give them more incentives? Do you decide you need…

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Imposter Syndrome

Imposter Syndrome

  How Beliefs are Created and How to Change Them Carol Putnam, Ph.D. Do you sometimes wonder if you are smart enough to develop and grow your business? Do you wonder if you should be an entrepreneur during your most challenging days? Do you struggle with confidence in your ability to scale your business? Have…

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