Carol Putnam
Executive Coach

Carol Putnam, PhD
Carol worked in global hi-tech corporations (Hewlett-Packard, Tektronix, and Microsoft) for over twenty-two years, coaching executives and working with leadership teams. She designed leadership development programs and consulted on organizational development, change management, communications strategy, and management development programs.
She believes coaching can help launch people toward their goals while gaining new perspectives and deeper self-awareness. Her approach is straightforward, direct, and honest while combining creativity, spirit, and humor in her client engagement.
An avid student of neuroscience, Carol incorporates the latest research findings into her work with clients, including teaching them “brain hacks.”
Carol has served on the Board of Directors for multiple non-profit organizations. A native Oregonian, she is an avid reader and writer and can be found with either a book or a journal (or both in her hand). She loves to spend time in nature, especially walking her two dogs in parks, the mountains, or the beach.

Imagine what your life would be like if you were Thriving instead of striving.

How Can A Great Coach Help You?
Career and life challenges can be thoughtfully navigated with coaching and support. Working with a coach is an investment in your effectiveness, productivity, and ultimately your happiness.
Having Trouble Seeing The Possibilities?

Contrary to what we would like to believe, it’s difficult to feel enlivened and creative when our career, relationships, or other aspects of life aren’t working as we expect. At times, we can’t see the possibilities that are open to us. It can feel overwhelming and exhausting when you feel stuck and aren’t sure what to do, especially if you’ve tried to create a change.
It can seem like your life is out of sync. Perhaps you’ve lost connection with the people important to you: your children, spouse, partner, family, friends. When we feel stressed—our feelings can be mercurial, creating more strain in our relationships. What most people don’t understand is that they don’t need to continue to struggle alone.
Career or life challenges can be thoughtfully navigated with coaching and support. Working with a coach is an investment in your effectiveness, productivity, and ultimately your happiness.
We get one life, and each passing moment we spend obsessing about the past (“would-of, could-of, should-of…”) or worrying about the future (worst case scenarios), is time in which we aren’t present in our lives. Carol assists clients to let go of old, unhelpful habits or stories they have about the world or themselves. Assisting them to uncover their unrecognized strengths and natural creativity, Carol’s clients are enabled to navigate through challenges and attain their goals.
Carol supports clients as they move forward mindfully and with confidence to achieve their goals for career, relationships, improved capabilities or greater life satisfaction and toward a new thriving life.
Carol’s mission is to help clients identify their strengths while challenging them to think differently on behalf of achieving their professional and personal objectives. She believes in the resilience of the human spirit and that seemingly insurmountable goals can be achieved with desire, an open mindset, accountability and support. Carol helps clients to excel professionally, to positively impact their world, while igniting and celebrating their lives.
What’s holding you back?
Hi. I’m Carol. I spent 22 years working in global high-tech corporations (Hewlett-Packard, Tektronix, and Microsoft). I coached executives, designed leadership development programs, facilitated strategic planning sessions and management development workshops. Now, I work one-on-one with individuals and executives to help them uncover their inherent brilliance and natural creativity so they can achieve their goals.
How and Where do we meet?
Coaching sessions can be in person or over the phone or Zoom. This provides flexibility for each client. For organizational clients, Carol may visit the worksite to observe and coach clients in their daily environments.
Let us help transform your organization! Just fill out the form to schedule your FREE Zoom consultations with the Stellar Insight team.
Carol has found that coaching can help to launch people forward toward their goals while they gain new perspectives and deeper self-awareness. She is straightforward and direct in her approach while incorporating creativity, spirit, and humor as she engages with clients. Carol coaches a wide variety of individual and organizational clients across the United States.
Her Doctorate is in Education, with a focus on Training and Organizational Development and two Master’s Degrees in Adult Education and Counseling. Carol is a graduate of a coaching program certified by the International Coaching Federation (ICF) and is a member of the ICF.
An avid student of neuroscience, Carol incorporates the latest research findings into applications for her coaching practice.